small piece of js code explained

Today a colleague showed me a piece of js code and asked to explain how it works.

Here’s the code:

(function(x) {return x(x);})(function(z){ return function(y){ return z; } })(1)(2)(3)

For many from non-js background it would be easier if I rewrite first two function expressions as function declarations, turn third function expression into named function expression and break the execution into parts:

function f1(x) {
    return x(x);
function f2(z) {
    return function f3 (y) {
        return z;
var result1 = f1(f2);
var result2 = result1(1);
var result3 = result2(2);
var result4 = result3(3);

So let's see what each function does first:

Function f1 accepts one argument and calls this argument as a function and passes it with itself as a parameter.

Function f2 **accepts parameter **z **and creates another function. As **f2 **scope gets copied to **f3, argument z **is always accessible from within **f3; and what f3 does is it returns this argument z.

After we grasp the idea of what these functions do, let’s see how everything is executed.

When var result1 = f1(f2) is executed, f1 is called with f2 passed as a parameter. return x(x) means that we need to call f2(f2) and return the result.

When f2 is called with f2 as a parameter, function f3 will be created and it’s z will hold a reference to f2. And this f3 is returned to result1.

Now we know that result1 **actually holds a reference to **f3 which regardless of the parameters always returns a reference to f2 which it “remembered” earlier. Hence, when we come to execute var result2 = result1(1), we actually call f3(1) and our f3 just returns a reference to f2.

So, this part of the code

(function(x) { return x(x) })(function(z){ return function(y) { return z; } })(1)

could be replaced with

(function(z){ return function(y) { return z; } })

Let's move on and execute var result3 = result2(2);. We’ve just found out that result2 holds a reference to f2, so it’s rather f2(2) that we’re seeing here, which – as we remember – creates f3 function and stores z in it’s context. This f3 will always return 2, result3 is a function will always return 2.

And when we execute var result4 = result3(3),** f3(3)** is actually called and returns 2 as expected.

I think, this again proves that javascript is syntactically very powerful language.

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